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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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and struggles to get power back to the fukushima nuclear plant to prevent further explosions. smoke seen rising from reactor number two she was in she basically transfers them to the cooling system and the tense world watches the pushing the speed breasts and hands of a few dozen volunteers struggling to keep the plans from a complete clear now down. and in other news the libya braces for airstrikes from france and the u.k. is the un security council backs a no fly zone to protect civilians. it's
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ten am in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story the race is on to restore electricity to japan's stricken fukushima nuclear plant so workers can get the reactor cooling systems back on line it's been a week since the country was rocked by its worst ever earthquake triggering a tsunami and a disaster about so that fastens of people dead or missing or he's alive or bennett has more from japan. right now they're still trying to reconnect power to the site so they can get those cooling systems up and running and bring the temperature down inside the reactor spots things like the only way they're now going to prevent or could be a real nuclear disaster there now focusing on reactor number two because this morning they actually saw smoke rising from the reactor they don't know what the cause was of that they don't think it was an explosion because that wasn't heard clearly the temperature inside is very hot or they've already managed to do was to lay a power cable from the main bridge
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a kilometer long cable to try and restore power but they haven't managed to connect that up yet the radiation is very high still and also the outer casing of the reactor the containment vessel was badly damaged in the explosion that happened earlier this week now in the meantime they are trying everything they can to try and keep the temperature down to try to cool the reactors there off of the first thought actually had explosions since the earthquake for example yesterday at reactor number three they doused in sixty four tons of water from a copper from above and water cannons from below and the early hours of this morning the tokyo fire department they sent thirty fire engines to the throwing everything they got at this the head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog the international atomic energy agency who's in tokyo right now meeting with the japanese prime minister he came out and said that to prevent this turning into a full scale nuclear disaster they're going to have to cooperate with international
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help causing it to the japanese nuclear and industrial safety agency what they recorded this morning a kilometer away from the site was two hundred seventy nine point four might receive its per hour down from last night's reading of two hundred ninety two point two it's not a significant drop it is a drop so clearly poorly on water on has helped in some degree but they cling to do more now since then the government spokesman at least a gun owner who is the chief cabinet secretary has come out and said that although there are very high. radiation readings in some places he says and it doesn't pose a direct negative to one's health because in these places it's not coming into direct human contact however a number of countries actually don't believe this and what they are doing is actually one in their citizens not to go fifty kilometers off and you could count on the japanese government has imposed an exclusion zone twenty cantons telling residents within thirty to stay away yesterday when topic coast a little bit from tokyo of the east coast who was who she met with
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a guy counter to see what residence. is the town of o.-r. i-a around halfway between tokyo and fukushima i'm still one hundred fifty kilometers south of the nuclear power plant but already the radiation levels here over double that of those in tokyo the geiger counter i've got just started beating wildly and shots up to no point five might receive it's per hour it's not harmful to one's health especially just yet but it is certainly a concern so much so that the army has started to hand out these face masks here that people are wearing to stop themselves breathing in the radiation and they're going to be here we're very afraid of the radiation who can do very much vaunted all we can do is follow the media and trust the government as seen. the tsunami did actually come in this far inland but the town escaped most of the damage however since the earthquake they've been without drinking water here and the residents
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have to come and fill up the water they need from points like this in the town that have been set up by the army further up the coast it's a similar story we've been travelling along this road for the last ten fifteen kilometers looking for a place to have lunch but none of the restaurants are open. through taking of the week until we can loop and we've literally just we can't do anything without water . this is the start of japan's ravaged east coast and arena like part of their bridges lie strewn all over the place here so walls collapsed over here thousands of fallen down such as the force of the tsunami this is also the point where we're going to turn back because the guy you county is reading the highest it has done all day one point zero four might receive its plan how i can cotton from my fear is that i won't be able to live here anymore and this is my home obviously here for my health of the radiation but it's not just about that i'm afraid i will be able to come back here we're only around a hundred and twenty kilometers south of fukushima power plant now if the wind
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blows this way and even worse if the rain comes in the radiation will shortz arrived to inform us i was already is over better reporting from inside japan while the fukushima plant the fate of millions now rests in the hands of a few dozen they become known as the faceless fifteen teams of workers trying to stop a story from reaching a devastating point of no return or he's really going to show has been in japan and brings us the latest from seoul. period member of course because we're a disaster that is ancient novel. it took several hundred people and it took several years actually a decade or more to completely ready the asteroth of that disaster at this point for already a week we have proudly maybe people working on the scene working in shifts but they are the only people there nobody else is present and everything that's happening is actual real here and it's well it's actually. we get to japan to the scene
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because there's no score it's economically accidents and to pretty much state the obvious and that is that the situation is grave and japanese authorities need to closely cooperate with. authorities as well in order to resolve this crisis entire situation with a rather miniscule amount of people. not enough information. being disclosed by the government or the power company who are actually in charge of it. when you put all of this together whether or not humanity is actually now stared nuclear energy to its full capacity or whether it's all just wishful thinking and then kind of modern marvels. a particle collider to uncover the secrets of creation and trying to master nuclear technology how those advances can come to nothing when nature strikes and atomic energy awesome power becomes hard to contain these out and
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difficult plants first explosion japan's leaders implore everyone to stay car helicopters and water cannons deployed to cool the reactors yet the situation remains critical of course i do not think it will require as much manpower there's been a lot of technological progress made over the last thirty years. to understand the number of people it will have to operate. area affected by radiation launch that's because some things can be done manually in one thousand nine hundred six in soviet union mongol eyes thousands of people to battle the nuclear disaster at chernobyl in japan now has the faith. in honest workers putting themselves up against radiation to keep the reactors from nuclear meltdown certainly their lives or immediately at stake. and clearly they have sacrificed any kind of long life by being there this was because this is clearly an exposure that
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jeopardizes their immediate health. union essentially ordered its citizens to sacrifice their lives to radiation when battling the chernobyl aftermath budget plan is a democratic state so the workers are meeting is to push him are doing so willingly i mean question is were there efforts proved to be enough to keep this situation from taking a turn for worse you know as the amount of radiation being released now and the amount of regulation good will be released in the cardinal is so great that actually global the. disaster of mobile with only one poll that was the thirtieth you know this review of the whole globe saw the magnitude of the disaster cannot be predicted now but definitely is going to be one of the worst nuclear disasters and world history can ology have had nasty habit of turning against humans and when that happens the equipment doesn't yet exist to send
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machines in keeping things right in the end it takes human risk and sacrifice to prevent a technological tragedy from becoming a large scale catastrophe in tokyo called party. filmmaker tony beryl joins us live now he spent years documenting japan in a somewhat skeptical about the trust transparency of authorities there and now he joins us live from sydney good to have you with us japan has failed to fully disclose nuclear problems before but with the world watching so closely do you think we know as much as we can about the situation. well i wonder whether the japanese government even those ago heard reports that the prime minister at least ministers i've been rather annoyed that not getting enough information coming back from the side of the catastrophe so i don't think the rest of us can feel too
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confident about cons of information we giving japan and others are undoubtedly doing some soul searching right now on the future of their use of nuclear energy and is this happening enough to you is there some enough going on here to drive significant change well i think one of the things that's going to happen in japan are could be wrong about this is that people with definitely rethink their depended selections a c. because in the process ten to fifteen years there's been quite a drive for increased use of religious see because if anything in japan have for a while it be with ninety eight ninety something of a surplus of electricity because people in japan didn't own the whole or have a number of electric appliances in the last few years the good feeling courage that thought more moral and i think that they may be rethinking this kind of concepts of them maybe a slower change on the demand side rather than always concentrating on the supply
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side do we have enough ellipses or do we have a little a christian who might be in japan do we need to know too much electricity do we need so much or should the international community be getting more directly involved and heading off further disaster in japan's nuclear facilities. well that's a big question and one thing that worries some people approved is the trans decision to join the cycle they have a fast breeder reactor on the goals west coast. with fukushima is playschool long to where they have just restarted the process for your reactor which has it multiples for fifteen years because of a leak as it happens but. there was a lot of fuss about that suit because that was a bit of a coverup as to exactly what happened out manjoo why who was responsible that even edited to close the vision to cut out sort of some of the. evidence as to what
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would happen but the question is now does japan really require so much clintonian fuel and if so what is it going to do with it because it can possibly use it to even burning in nuclear reactors part of the problem is there are spent fuel rods there which contain in which just sitting there because they don't really know what to do with so it's a promise of this open time when you move something like forty tons of moments we all know what could turn it could be used for if it's modified it could be used for nuclear weapons and that's the sort of thing that you clowns label is extremely worried about we haven't heard much about it over the last few years but i i care. more about it in the near future now you said earlier that japan uses too much power and in general that's the way the world is going in that direction increased
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technology increased use of gadgetry and technology that's driving up the need for power and energy across the planet but this seems to be something that you said japan is using too much of and probably the world is using too much of what you advocate. well i don't know i'm not really the person trying to solve the problem i'm just looking at some of the difficulties probably i do know that if japan is such a volatile seismic seismological area that means there's a lot of full kind of activity there are many hot springs in japan that is there is . so little electricity and that could help any way to alleviate the problem in the medium so i don't know about the show and i think this is going to be a big problem over the next few years as to how they move forward i don't see them building a lot more. nuclear power to make up for the ones that are losing because the ones
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that are through cushman know they could lose up to six outlets quote with a slice of the circular electric power companies capacity do you believe that alternative energy solar power wind power can do enough to fill the gap if we lose or draw down the use of nuclear energy because the world does get a large amount of its power from the use of nuclear plants it does we've come to depend on it but i think it may take twenty one years fifty years probably go around again so i would like to make a prediction as to how long it would say for us to become dependent less dependent . on it to be caught saying the wrong thing. right and you say japan's come out in favor of nuclear energy as the answer to climate change for the power we need surely nuclear energy is better than the alternative of burning oil and other fossil fuels don't you think. well i'm not sure about. you know i've.
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got to know that you clear it's not so economic as everybody likes it and saying no it's clearly and as we can see it when it goes wrong it's wrong to say as you agree on this people in the united states it's not clear if it can be what it was it was really good so we're going to rely too much you're all right documentary filmmaker tony barrel joining us from sydney thanks for perspective thank you. japanese authorities are giving a grim estimate of the number of people who have died so far they're experiencing they are expecting it rather to triple from the current number that stands at six and a half thousand many people more missing more than ten thousand remain unaccounted for our correspondents are in the region you can follow them step by step i for bennett and in evolution go are constantly updating our twitter stream you can keep
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on top of what they're discovering follow their updates and other developments in japan at parties underscore dot com. here of radiation contamination is spreading well beyond your pan's borders people in russia's far east are stocking up on preventive medicines but often without seeking the proper medical advice as our teams are carrying a grudge over imports this could prove far more damaging to both their health and the local economy. we see the nuclear catastrophe in japan and we are closing nuclear plants the way from these kind of dying sort. it's hard not to be gripped by panic when the world's high and mighty are sounding the alarm the closer you are typical the bigger your chances of picking up the pike virus which is grabbing more so if you're not a physicist or a doctor people in russia's far is divided from japan by a strip of water four hundred miles across while the quickest to react.
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my friend called me and said that she's leaving the city i'm not in such panicky yet i'm already taking iodine just in case. but radiation levels remain completely normal and doctors are forced into sounding a different kind of alarm just like a brother that is if anything really serious happens there things like consuming large amounts of oil going all red warning that's what people often say they're going to do such things won't help the reverse they may seriously damage their health because i don't block thought i would function and it may well happen and probably will as well everything in japan goes back to normal many of our people with problems with their following plans to visit everyone wants to be on top of official reports preparing for the unknown many go even further buying personal radiation meters geiger counters price is no object. in the last three days we
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sold out there and monthly still have guided counters we now have to turn to our suppliers for an additional shipment of taking reasonable precautions is no but think at all unless panic threatens to become worse than because astra feels so that was the case with the outbreak of the h one n one swine flu virus which helped drugs companies earn billions to being russia's far is the transport companies and pharmacies are cashing in on the party but at stake is the region's largest business fishing. it accounts for eighty percent of little stocks a corner me russia's largest city on the pacific ocean local restaurants offering fresh seafood from the waters off japan are already losing clients customers are afraid of radioactive fish even histeria continues wholesale fish markets could be next to suffer meaning no silver lining to a radioactive cloud that may never arrive exuding a virtue r.t.e.
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of us don't. japan's economy was already fragile before the disaster struck and i was being hit again with a yen surging to record levels this week argues business jean joins us now with our latest developments hello tessa's so it's a last trading day before the weekend what's the situation with the and what are the ramifications well as you mentioned in the past few days since the crisis that hit the yen had strengthened to the dollar's who were record of seventy six yen it to the dollar japan really cannot handle a strong yen now given that export driven economy but as of today because the g seven finance ministers had announced that they will pump money into the japanese economy that's aside from the six hundred eighty eight billion dollars that the central bank had already pumped into it investors are sort of in a little bit more of a positive mood although still cautious the yen is now at eighty one yen to the dollar that's much better obviously than the record number that it had hit during
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the past few days now this is definitely pumping money into the economy is not a long term solution they're definitely still on a wait and see on the sidelines and certainly in the stock market itself now we did see the stock markets especially across asia have risen had gone back up with money coming back in and let's remember that be a fall of the strengthening of the value of the yen was because there was speculation that a lot of money will come back into the japanese economy to help with reconstruction insurance policies because of the crisis these are these are reasons that could still play out later on so it's still a wait and see attitude this negative effect of the crisis has not is not definitely not over the g seven coming in to intervene is definitely a bit of good news the last trading day for japan but again they cannot afford to have the soaring dollar all right our life in the business that's. turning now to other news colonel gadhafi is warning he will retaliate in
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mediterranean or foreign countries launching air strikes against libya is threat comes after the u.s. . european council backed the no fly zone over libya in an effort to protect civilians from air strikes but i could offer you forces the vote was passed ten to zero with russia brazil china germany and india abstaining and the top of the tripoli khadafi supporters were defiant in showing their anger over the u.n. decision claiming the outside world is misinterpreting what's going on in the country even so there was jubilation in rebel controlled areas like tobruk with fireworks and guns fired in the sky. or in the streets of benghazi the country's leaders calling on rebels to surrender warning they'll be no mercy for those who don't has his forces close in or he's merino porton has more from new york where the international community has taken its most decisive action yet on libya. vote a lot quicker than most of us journalists actually even to say that it took place and in under an hour and ten of the security council members voted to support this
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resolution and five other countries abstained it's the bric countries brazil russia india china and germany now this resolution the authorization of a no fly zone over libya i did also authorizes countries unilaterally so what can happen remains to be seen because that gives contraries a lot of room in the ways in which they decide to. russia and china well there was a veto wielding members that abstained within the security council and i think the reason that they were hesitant to begin with what we've heard russia china and other countries say is that they didn't want to take any means that would indicate military intervention in libya they want to take more of a diplomatic approach slower steps because in fact some experts believe that any military intervention adding to the violence and conflict that's already
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ongoing in libya can exacerbate the problem of russian ambassador to the united nations have a telly churkin didn't make some comments following this a carrot a council vote let's take a listen to what he said. and it is a. whole range of questions raised by the russian federation and to the security council members should questions which will be concrete and it isn't questions regarding how the no fly zone will be enforced we do need to be engagement would be limited to the use of force provisions were introduced into the text potentially. military intervention responsibility for the inevitable humanitarian consequences and the excessive use of outside force in libya fair and square on the shoulders of those who might undertake such actions and if this happens then nobody the civilian population of libya. peace and security throughout the whole region of africa middle east concern for visit me to avoid such destabilizing developments. it's
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also been reported by many. u.s. media outlets that the u.s. pentagon has also been preparing britain has one of the countries that code drafted this resolution and has been making statements that it is prepared already to go into the areas eric airspace of libya and maybe take other means so we can anticipate that those western countries will be among the ones to act first what will come out of it is unclear but this is a quite a development coming out of the united nations here in new york. you can always find more on the stories we're covering our facebook page and in a few minutes russia's emergencies minister getting getting ready to help japan overcome disaster we'll hear from him in our interview but first the business news with after a short break. welcome
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to the business update now finance ministers from the g. seven group of the world's richest nations have agreed to step into currency markets to try and control japan's volatile currency well it's the first time in a decade that the g seven have jointly intervened of the money markets on wednesday the yen hit its highest level against the dollar since the second world war strengthening to seventy six and a quarter in u.s. trading but it fell back in later sessions it's currently trading at around eighty two pradelle or analysts say a coordinated effort by the world's biggest economies would have a bigger impact than the japanese central bank acting alone and meanwhile the bank of japan injected another extra thirty seven billion dollars into the markets on friday trying to shore up confidence and ensure liquidity to pass something has
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already injected a total of six hundred eighty eight billion dollars into the country's financial sector. let's have a look at how the markets are performing reaction from the g seven intervention to curb the yeah so japanese shares jumped nearly three percent while the yen tumble investors were also showing all to visit but further review leakage could be contained at the fukushima nuclear plant the stock markets elsewhere in asia also rose and the g seven bid to stabilize global markets hong kong's hang seng is a rout a point four percent right now. and here in russia the r.t.s. is gaining more than a percent of the early morning session energy stocks are leading the upward trend as commodity prices continue to grow my six opens in just a few minutes and that there is a session on a positive note gaining almost two percent. of global markets have bounced back after a massive sell off at the beginning of the week but those gains could retreat if the situation in japan gets worse to draw from h.s.b.c.
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outlines the key drivers for the markets on friday. of course mean there would be people looking at what's happening in terms of inflation there not too many releases coming out so but you do have the german a.p.i. for example which would give you some more indication on what the e.c.b. could do and at the same time any news that comes out from japan in terms of you know the radiation leaks and also in terms of in supply disruptions on the oil side from a middle east all of these would have an impact so these are the main things to watch out for on friday. that's all for the business update you can always find more on our team dot com forward slash business.
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issues that so much to me is going to get me into a lot of people a very up look at japan's peak in the world's most wanted disaster hits a major economic and trading power the forces of globalization punish the. wealthy british style. sometimes the tires on. the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy because the reports on our. news today violence is once again for.


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